There is a certain format for profiling fanfiction stories on the Alex Rider Fanpedia. All fanfiction on this wiki must be Alex Rider related.
In the Infobox[]
- The name of the story in italics
- Author(s)
- Status (In-Progress or Complete)
- # of Chapters
- Pairing(s)
- Category(s)
- Linked Rating (K, K+, T, M)
In the Article[]
- Short introduction (usually two sentences or less stating the name of the story and the author)
- Blurb (the discription of the story in quotes)
- About (when the story is set and a bit about the beginning [it's not the plot])
- Characters (in alphabetical order, protagonist and antagonist)
- Useful Links (to the story or a website for it if there is one)
The article should be categoriezed by it's fanfiction categories, the author, the title of the story, and the rating.
See The Venus Contract article for a good example.